
where is my me?

i cant focus. i can not focus. i haven't felt like me in a while.
i even forgot how to spell my life. i forgot what its like to be me.
i want to turn back the hands of time.
what am i doing in this era. why can't i get back to where i belong.
what am i doing? why are my questions never answered?
its like im in a game of tug-of-war with myself.
and i just lost.
if i could just reach into my insides and pull out the poison that is coursing through my veins, maybe then i could escape into the vast mysterious emptiness you call freedom. empty words, empty promises. i want to return to the depths where sea pressure crushed the skulls of unwanted hunters. i want to dive back into my clay fixtures and seep into their collectively arranged color pallets. this wasnt me, this isn't who i want to be. where is the sign that reads. get me out of here. exit. this isn't real. pinch me, i'm living.